Indigestion is very common these days. The main reason for this is the urban lifestyle and modern lifestyle. In today’s world when physical labor is very rare, pleasure is also plentiful and lifestyle has become quite erratic, it is never possible for the digestive system to maintain its condition and we do not even allow …
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Saral Ayurved Series EP 1 | Panch Mahabhoot | Dr. Nikul Patel | सरल आयुर्वेद कोर्स । पंचभौतिक शरीर ।
Learn Ayurveda for daily life and keep yourself healthy and happy. For learning ayurveda you need to understand basic principles of ayurveda and you can relate it with your life and health. हमारा शरीर का और पंचमहाभूत के साथ कैसे संबंध है? हम भी इस ब्रह्मांड का ही एक हिस्सा है। हमारे सरल आयुर्वेद कोर्स …
Continue reading Saral Ayurved Series EP 1 | Panch Mahabhoot | Dr. Nikul Patel | सरल आयुर्वेद कोर्स । पंचभौतिक शरीर ।
Breast tumor is cured by Ayurveda Treatment
I Am 42 years old and have removed my uterus before 5 years. Before 2 years I had noticed that my one breast is looks like bigger that the other one. Other female says that it is normal to all females and not to worry about that. Before six month I have found such heaviness …
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Diet for over weight (Loosing fat) as per Ayurveda Thought
Avoid sleeping in day time, wake-up early and going early to bed. Take less Food. Take Dry and Light Diet Be active Physical and Mental activity Stress or tension also burns fat. Fast Morning walk, running and exercise must have to do Daily. Avoid Curd, Onion, Potato, Sweets and fruits, Drinks, Milk, Ghee, Black Gram …
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Does and Don’ts in Rhinitis, Cough and Asthma – As Per Ayurveda Text
Drink Water Boiled with Dry ginger piece. Take Fresh cooked and Light Food. Brinjal, Drum Stick, garlic, Ginger, Methi, Green beans, Honey, Daal-Rice, khakhara, Millet flour, Green beans/Rice Papad and Curry is advised to take in food. Avoid Milk, Curd, Ghee, Ice, Menda Flour, Bakery Food, Freezed Food etc. Avoid Fruits and Sweets. Take Heating …
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High Blood Pressure – Does and Don’ts
Stop to eat Salt Avoid Physical and Mental Stress Do not be overwhelmed Avoid Tobacco, smoke, alcohol, pickles and Salty Food. Avoid the food having sour, salty and Spicy tastes. Live in Happy, pleasurable and comfortable weather. Keep Pranayam regularly. Shirodhara is very useful in High blood pressure You can get a consultation from the …
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Ayurveda: A Science of Healthy Living
Ayurveda is an ancient Medical system of India. Ayurvedic system of Medicine is world’s oldest system of medicine. It is originated in India and now it is spread out all over the world as a safest treatment and has not any side effects and also cures chronic diseases as a permanent base. “Ayurveda” – A …
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