Kitchen medicine asafetida

Colic Pain – If there is any internal or external colic anywhere in the body, grind asafetida and apply it on top. For example, if there is pain in the jaw, place it in the jaw and rub it on the cheek. In the condition of stomach pain, roast asafetida in castor oil and rub …
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Ayurveda Tips – 16

1. Deafness – Use 4 to 6 drops of Bilvadi tail as ear drops. Take Rasnadi gugal 4 tabs twice  a day. 2. Child Disease – Give 500mg Ativish churna with honey or Give 5 to 10 ml Bal Chaturbhadra Syrup twice  a day. 3. Blood Pressure – In High BP take Sarpagandha Tablet in observation of Ayurveda …
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Ayurveda Tips – 5

1. Constipation – Take Harde Powder with warm water at night or early morning regularly. 2. Jaundice – Give Baby Radish to eat. 3. Ear Disease – In deafness, Pus formation from ear, tinnitus, ear itching – Put  Must oil drops in ear at night everyday. 4. Tonsils – Use Turmeric as internal and external. Give one spoon Turmeric …
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