Ayurveda Tips – 20

1. Diarrhea with blood – Give Ativish Powder 1-1 gram often and often with buttermilk or Goat Milk. 2. Sciatica – Massage with Nirgundi Oil, Steam of Nirgundi Leaves and 5 ml Decoction of Nirgundi leaves with Castor Oil as same quantity is good for Sciatica treatment. 3. Paraplegia – Maha Yograj gugal 2 tabs thrice a day …
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Ayurveda Tips – 19

1. Malaria – Take Harde powder with honey constant for longer. 2. Skin Disease – Use Neem leaves as internal to drink juice and external for taking bath. 3. Raktapitta (hemorrhagic Disorders)   –  Juice from fresh Vasa ( adusi) leaves as 20 ml thrice a day will make great help to prevent in bleeding from any way of …
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Ayurveda Tips – 18

1. Contusion – Use Paste of Rasavanti on affected part and also takes Laxadi gugal 4 tabs twice a day with water. 2. Bladder disorders – Take Pure shilajit 1 – 2 grams twice a day with milk. 3. Indigestion – Take Ginger juice 1 spoon regularly before meal. 4. Obesity – Take honey with water regularly. Do not …
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Ayurveda Tips – 17

1. Vertigo – Take Decoction of Dhanyavas (Fagonia arabica ) with one spoon milk twice a day or can take Dhamasa Ghanvati 4-4 tabs twice a day. Can take either Dhamasa Ghrit 5 grams with milk boiled with Pippli mool ( root of piper longum). 2. Dysentry –  can take castor oil 5 gram twice a day …
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Ayurveda Tips – 16

1. Deafness – Use 4 to 6 drops of Bilvadi tail as ear drops. Take Rasnadi gugal 4 tabs twice  a day. 2. Child Disease – Give 500mg Ativish churna with honey or Give 5 to 10 ml Bal Chaturbhadra Syrup twice  a day. 3. Blood Pressure – In High BP take Sarpagandha Tablet in observation of Ayurveda …
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Ayurveda Tips – 15

1. Pleurisy – take Shring Bhasma 500 ml thrice a day with honey. Also have to Apply warm paste made from Shringbhasma over the chest. 2. Flu – Take 1 tab Tribhuvan kirti ras tablet with fresh juice of Tulsi leaves and  Ginger thrice a day. Keep fast and take Boiled water only. 3. Spleen – In enlargement …
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Ayurveda Tips – 14

1. Diabetes – Take 5 – 5 gram powder mixure of Amla, Turmeric and Guduchi ( Tinospora Cordifolia) with water twice a day. 2. Pyorrhoea – Take 2 tabs Trifla gugal twice a day. Use Dashan sankar churna as tooth powder. Use Jatyadi tail or Irimedadi tail for gargle. 3. Pleurisy – Take Pushkarmool churna 1 to 2 …
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Ayurveda Tips – 13

1. Leprosy – Take castor oil with Guduchi (Heart-leaved moonseed / Tinospora Cordifolia) and Aaragvadh( cassia Fistula) decoction. 2. Renal Stone – take 2 gram Pashanbhed ( Bergenia Ligulata) Powder twice a day. 3. Paraplegia – Use Maha Narayan Tail in Basti Karma ( enema), Massage and to rake orally also. 4. Leucorrhoea – Take Pradarantak Loh 1 gram …
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Ayurveda Tips – 12

1. Erupting of teeth – While teeth come in child give Dantodbhedantak ras 1 tab twice a day with honey and apply paste on gingival made with honey, micro fine powder of Long peeper and Amla Fruits. 2. Bloody Nose – Use water made with alum or cow milk as nasal drops for bloody nose. Also give …
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Ayurveda Tips – 11

1. Thirst (in excessive thirst) – Drink water which made by cooling down a hot old brick in it. 2. Teeth problem: Rinse your mouth with til oil mixed with hing and rock salt or keep a swab of it on teeth. 3. Burn: Apply externally Aloe Vera juice (Fresh) or Ral no malham. 4. Ringworm: Make paste by …
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