Ayurveda Tips – 19

1. Malaria – Take Harde powder with honey constant for longer. 2. Skin Disease – Use Neem leaves as internal to drink juice and external for taking bath. 3. Raktapitta (hemorrhagic Disorders)   –  Juice from fresh Vasa ( adusi) leaves as 20 ml thrice a day will make great help to prevent in bleeding from any way of …
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Ayurveda Tips – 17

1. Vertigo – Take Decoction of Dhanyavas (Fagonia arabica ) with one spoon milk twice a day or can take Dhamasa Ghanvati 4-4 tabs twice a day. Can take either Dhamasa Ghrit 5 grams with milk boiled with Pippli mool ( root of piper longum). 2. Dysentry –  can take castor oil 5 gram twice a day …
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Ayurveda Tips – 5

1. Constipation – Take Harde Powder with warm water at night or early morning regularly. 2. Jaundice – Give Baby Radish to eat. 3. Ear Disease – In deafness, Pus formation from ear, tinnitus, ear itching – Put  Must oil drops in ear at night everyday. 4. Tonsils – Use Turmeric as internal and external. Give one spoon Turmeric …
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Ayurveda Tips – 1

Indigestion : Take one spoon Harde Powder with water in morning and bed time. Diarrhoea : take one spoon dry ginger powder with buttermilk every two hours and stop to intake any food for some time. You can add Cumin(jira) powder in it too. Insomnia : In sleep problem take one spoon Piparimool ( Root of Long pepper) …
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