Oedema –Take Decoction of Punarnava (Boerhaavia diffusa) regularly and Use Rasvanti as a warm paste (Lepan Karma) on it. Fissure– Take Haritaki Powder regularly with Buttermilk. Eat Sooran ( Elephant foot Yam) as a vegetable. Heart Disease– Take Milk boiled with Arjun (Terminalia Arjuna) Bark. Or take Arjunarishtam 10 ml twice a day. Hiccup –Use …
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Ayurveda Tips – 10

1. Fever : Ayurveda advises do not have to take any food in presence of fever, and then after give decoction of Chirayata (Kirayata) often and often. 2. Chronic Fever – Give Guduchi Satva churna 1 to 2 grams thrice a day with cow milk in chronic fever. 3. Poison : Poisonous effect carried out …
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