1. Diabetes – Take 5 – 5 gram powder mixure of Amla, Turmeric and Guduchi ( Tinospora Cordifolia) with water twice a day. 2. Pyorrhoea – Take 2 tabs Trifla gugal twice a day. Use Dashan sankar churna as tooth powder. Use Jatyadi tail or Irimedadi tail for gargle. 3. Pleurisy – Take Pushkarmool churna 1 to 2 …
Continue reading Ayurveda Tips – 14
Ayurveda Tips – 13

1. Leprosy – Take castor oil with Guduchi (Heart-leaved moonseed / Tinospora Cordifolia) and Aaragvadh( cassia Fistula) decoction. 2. Renal Stone – take 2 gram Pashanbhed ( Bergenia Ligulata) Powder twice a day. 3. Paraplegia – Use Maha Narayan Tail in Basti Karma ( enema), Massage and to rake orally also. 4. Leucorrhoea – Take Pradarantak Loh 1 gram …
Continue reading Ayurveda Tips – 13