Ayurveda medicines Ayurveda medicines 2 Questions Ask question Search Order By: ActiveCategoryClear Filter 1 Ans headache. heavy feeling in head. Featured34.15K viewsadmin Changed status to publish June 24, 2021Headaches and MigraineAyurveda head heaviness treatment Ayurveda medicines cured head headache headache treatment in Ayurveda heaviness on head heavy feeling nasya treatment panchkarma shir: shool Shirodhara thalaneerirakam 1 Ans can I take raw garlic while using any Ayurveda medicine? 40.53K viewsadmin Changed status to publish February 21, 2024Ayurvedaadvise for food Ayurveda foods Ayurveda herbs ayurveda medicine Ayurveda medicines diet food habit Garlic Habit to eat garlic herbs Raw garlic Question and answer is powered by anspress.net